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2025 Elections

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What is a Presidential Preference Primary?

Political Parties in Utah have the option of nominating a candidate for President of the United States on March 5, 2024.

Utah Election Law allows each political party to choose who is eligible to participate in their party’s’ selection process and how that process is run. This year, the Utah Democratic and Republican Parties have selected to participate in the presidential nomination process.


Democratic Party

The Democratic Party of Utah has chosen to participate in the State’s Presidential Primary Election on March 5, 2024.

The Democratic Presidential Primary is an open primary, meaning all individuals registered with other political parties or unaffiliated voters may participate in it.

During the week of February 13th all active voters who are registered as Democrats OR who have requested the Democratic Ballot will be mailed a ballot.

All others wishing to participate in this Primary may request a ballot.

Republican Party

The Republican Party of Utah has chosen to not participate in the State’s Presidential Primary Election. Instead, they will hold a Presidential Preference Poll at their statewide caucus meetings on March 5, 2024.

The Republican Party has determined that only members of the Republican Party may participate in this Presidential Preference Poll.

Caucus meetings are not administered by Weber County or the State of Utah. Voters will not receive a Republican ballot in the mail nor be able to vote at county polling places. Voters should contact Republican Party 801-533-9777 with questions.

Check your voter registration at:

Key Dates

Candidate Filing



Filing from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Monday - Friday

Ballots mailed to all active registered voters three weeks prior. 

Primary Election August 12

Ballots mailed to all active registered voters three weeks prior. 

General Election November 4

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