*Last updated 6/27/22 at 7:21pm
*Last updated 6/27/22 at 7:21pm
*Last updated 6/27/22 at 7:21pm

Filing Forms/Info

For 2024: January 2nd- January 8th
Candidates must submit their Declaration of Candidacy forms in person between the hours of 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. If you will be out of the state for the entire filing period, please contact the Elections office for more information.
State Legislature and State School Board candidates must submit a Conflict of Interest Disclosure electronically to disclosures.utah.gov during the filing period and BEFORE submitting their Declaration of Candidacy forms.
Incumbents: a disclosure already filed in 2024 is acceptable if it is accurate and current as of the date you file for office.
The applicable filing fee must be paid at the time of declaring candidacy. Weber County accepts the following forms of payment:
Credit / Debit cards (a service fee will be added to all card transactions)
E-check or check made payable to Weber County
Candidates interested in GATHERING SIGNATURES or running as UNAFFILIATED, please contact the Election’s Office for more information. This does not pertain to local school board candidates.
Fee list
State School Board - $90.61
State Senate – $116.05
State House - $83.02
County Commissioner - $783.76
County Assessor - $742.76
County Recorder/Surveyor- $747.61
County Treasurer - $748.20
Local School Board - $50.00
Justice of the Supreme Court - $50.00
Court of Appeals Judge - $50.00
District Court Judge - $50.00
Juvenile Court Judge - $50.00
Justice Court Judge - $25.00
Voter Information:
Voter Information List:
$0.002 per voter record, plus a $5.00 data set up fee.
All-County report is $150.00
Beginning the week ballots are mailed up until the Friday before Election Day, you may request to receive a report listing all voters who have returned their By Mail ballots. You may receive a Voted Report daily or weekly. There is a onetime set up fee of $15.00.